RMPA Teaching Poster Award
Past RMPA Teaching Poster Award Winners
Incorporating Diverse Data Perspectives into Statistics Lab Activities
Garrett L. Strosser & Jaiden Sherratt
Cheryl Sanders, Michael Rhoads, Sophia Mattingly, Jackson Maxwell, & Elizabeth Greenwood. “Dying to Know? The Impact of Death Education on Undergraduate Students.” MSUD.
Aaron Richmond (MSUD) and Steve Barney (SUU), “Experimentally Manipulating the Use of Career Skill Buzzwords in a Syllabus: A focus on Perceived Value of Psychology and Career Preparation.”
Tyrus, Roanhorse and William Mira, Fort Lewis College, “Academic Persistence among college students.”
Daniel Pulliam, Steven Wininger, Pitt Derryberry, & Jennifer Redifer, Western Kentucky University, “Effect of Student Classroom Cell Phone Usage on Teachers”
Julie Tetley, Kerry McCraig, & Lisa Robinson, The United States Air Force Academy, “Intervention in Learning Strategies 101: Effect on Mindset and Identification of Effective Learning Strategies”
Congratulations 2022 Teaching Poster Award Winners Aaron and Steve
Congratulations 2019 RMPA Teaching Poster Award Winner Tyrus Roanhorse