RMPA Early Career Award
The Early Career Award recognizes a current member of RMPA who is early in her or his career and who has already made significant contributions to the Association and to psychological science. The award is presented at the annual convention business meeting.
The awards committee consists of the past-president, the current president, and the president-elect. Recommendations of the awards committee are ratified by the RMPA Executive Committee. A nominee who does not win the award will automatically have his or her nomination considered for a second year.
Criteria for the Award
Candidates for the award must:
have a doctorate in psychology, or a related field,
have been granted a degree five to ten years prior to their nomination,
have been visibly active in RMPA for no less than 5 years, and, ideally, should have mentored students who have participated in RMPA, and
show promise of achieving national visibility.
To Nominate a Candidate for the Award please submit:
A current curriculum vitae
Two letters of nomination that speak to the criteria listed above.
Self-nominations are acceptable.
Please send nominations via e-mail to: Clayton Stephenson at clstephe@usc.edu
The Deadline for Nominations is February 28, 2024
Past RMPA Early Career Award Winners
2003: William Douglas Woody, University of Northern Colorado
2004: Britton Mace, Southern Utah University
2005: Michelle Butler, US Air Force Academy
2006: Carla Reyes, University of Utah
2007: Krista Forrest, University of Nebraska at Kearney
2008: Cheryl Sanders, Metropolitan State University of Denver
2009: Jeff Elison, Southern Utah University
2010: Aaron Richmond, Metropolitan State University of Denver
2011: Layton Curl, Metropolitan State University of Denver
2013:Grant Corser, Southern Utah University
2014: Bethany Fleck, Metropolitan State University of Denver
2015: Chad Mortensen, Metropolitan State University of Denver
2016: Marian Berryhill, University of Nevada - Reno
2017: Shannon McGillivray, Weber State University.
2018: no award given
2019: Jennifer Grew, Utah State University
2020/2021: no awards given
2022: Rob Wright, Brigham Young University - Idaho
2023: Megan Wrona, Fort Lewis College
Congratulations 2022 Early Career Award Winner: Rob Wright, Brigham Young University - Idaho
Congratulations 2019 Early Career Award Winner: Jennifer Grew, Utah State University