The Rick Miller Distinguished Service Award
In 1978 the Association started a procedure whereby members of the Association who have given their time and efforts over and above that which would be normally required should receive special recognition. That year, the Association established a Distinguished Service Award which was a small means whereby individuals could be afforded special recognition. In 2022 the award was named after Dr. Richard Miller to honor his dedication and service to the association.
Previous Rick Miller Distinguished Service Award Winners
1978 Bernard Spilka University of Denver
Dr. Richard Miller receiving the 2022 award, renamed after him.
1981 Ralph D. Norman University of New Mexico
1982 William H Brown Utah Psychological Center
Alice R. Fehrenbach Denver, Colorado
Wilson J. Walthall University of Wyoming
Helen Wilson Eastern Montana College
1983 Irwin H. Cohen V.A. Hospital, Denver, Colorado
Henry C. Ellis University of New Mexico
W. C. Leiding Lovelace Medical Center
Earl E. Swartzlander Denver, Colorado
1984 Robert H. Bruce University of Wyoming
Harrie F. Hess University of Nevada, Las Vegas
1985 Paul Porter University of Utah
Sheila Dietz Colorado State University
1986 Janet Wollersheim University of Montana
1987 Richard G. Weigel Colorado State University
1988 W. C. Leiding Lovelace Medical Center
David Thomas University of Colorado, Boulder
Harl H. Young Metropolitan State College
Michael Wertheimer University of Colorado, Boulder
1989 Sara Lyon James SE Wyoming Mental Health Center
Neil Bartlett University of Arizona
1991 Theodore H. Cutler University of Denver
1992 Len Haas University of Utah
1993 Janet Kay Schnorr Northern Arizona University
1994 Michael Wertheimer University of Colorado, Boulder
1995 Robert L. Atwell Denver, Colorado
1996 Karen E. Ford Mesa State College
1997 William Wallace University of Nevada, Reno
1998 Susan Bromley University of Northern Colorado
William J. Wozniak University of Nebraska at Kearney
1999 No award given
2000 Paul A. Bell Colorado State University
2001 Kenneth Nikels University of Nebraska at Kearney
2002 Pennie Seibert Boise State University
Roger Fouts Central Washington University
2003 Rick Miller University of Nebraska at Kearney
2004 Mitch Handelsman University of Colorado at Denver
Wayne Viney Colorado State University
2005 Diane Martichuski University of Colorado Boulder
2006 Alice Healy University of Colorado Boulder
2007 Michelle Butler U.S. Air Force Academy
Mark McDaniel Washington University
2008 Nancy Karlin University of Northern Colorado
2009 Ross Loomis Colorado State University
2010 Judith A. Sugar University of Nevada Reno
2011 Cheryl Sanders Metropolitan State College of Denver
2012 Eric Amsel Weber State University
2013 William D. Woody University of Northern Colorado
2014 Robert Rycek University of Nebraska at Kearney
2015 Steve Barney Southern Utah University
2016 Anna Ropp Metropolitan State University of Denver
2017 Leslie Alvarez Adams State University
2018 Eric Landrum Boise State University
2019 Susan Becker Colorado Mesa University
2020 Krista Bridgemond. Colorado State University Pueblo
2021 Kristy Lyons Metropolitan State University of Denver
2022 Richard Miller Texas A&M University — Kingsville
2023 Bethany Fleck Dillen MSUD
2024 Roxanne Sullivan Bellvue University
Drs. Bethany Fleck Dillen, with William Douglas Woody and Richard Miller