Psi Chi has a strong presence at RMPA.

Psi Chi conference programming is open to all students, both graduate and undergraduate, regardless of current Psi Chi membership. RMPA encourages students to attend and present at the Convention.

On Thursday, April 10, 2025, from 7:30 am- 12:00 noon Psi Chi will sponsor its annual Student Service Project at the Rocky Mountain Psychology Association Convention (RMPA) in Denver, CO. This year we will be partnering with the Food Bank of the Rockies. Registered students must meet in the Mesa Verde room at they Hyatt Regency at 7:30 am for directions and carpool information. This event is open to students attending RMPA, not just students who are current members of Psi Chi. All participants will get breakfast and a Psi Chi at RMPA Service T-shirt.

Registration closes March 26, 2025. Spaces are limited and require you to sign up before the conference.  

To begin the registration process, complete the information at the following link:

History of Psychology in the Rocky Mountain Region

Rocky Mountain Psychological Association

Convention Poster Session

This is a formal Call for Papers for a special poster session on the History of Psychology in the Rocky Mountain Region.  We invite every Psi Chi and Psi Beta chapter in the Rocky Mountain region to examine the history of psychology at their college or university and to submit a poster about their institutional history for consideration in the RMPA Convention.

We hope these historical research posters can increase knowledge about psychological history within and across universities in the Rocky Mountain region, provide a venue for teacher-scholars (i.e., Psi Chi and Psi Beta Advisors and others) to work with teams of excited students, and provide students with opportunities to earn authorship on these convention presentations.

As you prepare your research posters, we encourage you to consider the following questions:

1.  When did psychology arrive on your campus?

  • When did the department begin?

  • When did the first psychology faculty arrive?

  • How did psychology fit the larger mission of the university?

  • Who were the first psychology students?

2.     Who were early faculty and students, and what did they study and accomplish?

3.     When did diverse students and faculty arrive at your university?  

  • We encourage you to consider diversity broadly, in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identity, income, nationality, language, physical and cognitive abilities, and other intersecting identities.

4.     What major changes in the college/university and the department have shaped the development of the psychology teaching, research, service, and practice at your college/university?

5.     What historical factors shaped the currents status of the department?

6.     What are current activities and future goals?  

  • How does the history of the department shape the plans for the future?

7.     What other questions belong here?  

  • We encourage you to develop your own questions.  For example, some departments changed dramatically during World Wars.  In many other departments, faculty transitioned from narrow areas of psychology (e.g., educational psychology or behaviorism) into broader, more intellectually diverse departments.  What was the psychological landscape like at your institution and how did it change into the present?

8.     Remember that university archivists and long-serving members of your department can provide insight, guidance, and historical data.

We hope this call for papers forms an exciting invitation.  Please contact Doug Woody ( with any questions.  He looks forward to hearing from you.

Images from the Annual Convention

Graduate and undergraduate Psi Chi members are eligible to apply for the Regional Research Award ($400). When you submit your proposal to RMPA you will have the opportunity to indicate whether you would like to be considered.

Psi Chi members are encouraged to offset travel expenses to RMPA by applying for a Regional Travel Grant


Psi Chi Service Project in Denver, 2018Images below are from the 2018 Convention

Psi Chi Service Project in Denver, 2018

Images below are from the 2018 Convention

Contact Dr. Rona McCall for more information or questions regarding everything Psi Chi at RMPA: